All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  Ekaterina S. Eparinova

Affiliation:  Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

The paper is devoted to the problem of terms which have a set of definitions for their concepts within the framework of the same area of knowledge, but the ideal term is supposed to have only one meaning. The phenomenon of polysemy and ambiguity is typical both for the natural language and for the terms. In different periods of time in terminography cases when one lexical unit meant a few concepts were considered as polysemy and later on as ambiguity. First the researchers interpreted this phenomenon as polysemy of the term, then, in the 1970s, they claimed that there was no phenomenon of ambiguity in terminology. At present, it is assumed that in terminology there may be present both poly-semy and ambiguity. There are two types of polysemy in speech and in language. We can expand on the variety of polysemy instances in terminology adding a) polysemy beyond specific area of knowledge;
b) conceptual polysemy; c) functional polysemy.

Keywords:  term, terminology, polysemy, homonymy, semantic derivation


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Pages:  120-126

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