All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  Sh. Bekmagambetov

Affiliation:  Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata

The article is devoted to studying the fundamental problems of the theory of original nomination. It criticizes the notion “semantic triangle” of S.K. Ogden and I.A. Richards established in modern linguistics, the essence of which ostensibly is in identifying the functions of the constituent elements of the word formation process. One of the main drawbacks of the semantic triangle is in the fact that its semantic element is “concept” in its modern sense having no relation to the original word-formation. Secondly, there is no clear correlation between the basic constituent elements of the triangle. Thirdly, the system is not completed to the end: the material (A) and perfect (B) elements were left alone, not pouring into the linguistic unity.
The idea of genetic rhombus offered by the author is based on the identified specific ideal (logical concept) and material (VC- standard sound complex) primary elements of the original nomination and is aimed at identifying the true picture of forming the language fundamental principles. There was re-vealed the conditioned connection between the main elements of the original nomination – denotation,
a logical concept and VC- standard sound shell.
Semantic element – a logical concept that is fundamentally different from the modern understanding of the terms “concept” and “logical concept”. Logical concepts are the results of the total world view activity of the original nomination era for the whole humanity, the essence of which is the character-shaped image in the linguistic consciousness of people in the world universe and its constituent structural elements – the axis of the world, the center of the world, coordinate system and etc., that according to the author are semantic elements expressed in the form of geometric shapes common to the whole of humanity. Logical concepts are materialized by binary sonic complexes of the VC type – (vocal / consonant) formed over many thousands of centuries in the pre-history in the period of non-verbal communication and taking a function of logical concepts materialization from the language of hands.
The final stage of the original name is formed as the result of reunification of sound envelope (A) with a logical concept (B) opposite to denotatum (D), final point of rhombus – (C). The language basics are laid at the base of the formation of all the words in the language in a variety of sound options.

Keywords:  semantic triangle, logic concept, system of language knowledge of the world, language sign, origin of the language, genetic components

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Pages:  125-134

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