All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  S.A. Pesina, O.L. Latushkina

Affiliation:  Magnitogorsk State University

In this article the lexical invariant as a semantic core of a polysemous word is presented. The aim of this paper is devoted to determining the lexical invariant in cognitive linguistics.
In our research, we are moving away from the traditional notion of the invariant, which is un-derstood as something common and integral, underlying all the lexical-semantic variants (LSV) of a po-lysemous word, and introduce the concept of lexical invariant, by which we mean “an abstract linguistic entity, including the collection of semantic components, which in one of its configurations, is the basis of a number of LSV constituting the semantic structure of a word in accordance with the intuition of an average native speaker” [Pesina 2011: 86]. Our research is aimed at determining the basic cognitive mechanisms underlying the formation of new meanings.
We use a prototypical approach to the semantics of words as a general method the purpose of which is to identify the non-trivial and distinctive components on the periphery of a polysemous word. These components are important because they make the abstract invariant recognizable.

Keywords:  lexical invariant, polysemous word, common meaning, semantic structure, lexical core of a word, ordinary consciousness

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Pages:  105-108

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