All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  A.V. Kolmogorova, K.V. Martynyuk

Affiliation:  Siberian Federal University, Kemerovo State University

Abstract:  The article is devoted to the problem of text reception and interpretation. The article is aimed at describing the cognitive operations that organize the processes of perception and interpretation of the author’s text by its receivers on the conceptual level with the help of such methods as conceptual analysis, verbal protocol and electronic acoustic analysis. The article describes the experiment which proves that in the process of text reception some temporal conceptual structures are formed and they include concepts from different conceptual fields of the receiver that are actualized in the individual consciousness by a modus of perception.
The experiment indicates that in perceiving the secondary text conceptual networks of the author and the reader resonate with each other, and the conceptual network potentially set by the author is being detailed and enriched in the cognitive organization of the receiver. 
The results of the experiment show that a conceptual network is a dynamic cognitive formation, able to restructure depending on the situation and the conditions of the process of reception.

Keywords:  text perception and interpretation, concept, conceptual network, modus of perception

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