All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”

PROBLEMS OF SEMANTIC DIFFUSIVENESS (on the basis of the scientific linguistic description)

PROBLEMS OF SEMANTIC DIFFUSIVENESS (on the basis of the scientific linguistic description)

Author:  A.V. Leontyeva

Affiliation:  Moscow State Regional Humanitarian Institute

Abstract:  The article touches upon the problem of the semantic diffusiveness, the semantic diffusiveness of the scientific description in particular. The aim of the paper is to penetrate deeper into the essence of the phenomenon using the method of linguistic analysis and reveal its root causes. Scientific texts on linguistics are used as а research material.
The issue appears to be a complex many-sided phenomenon, an interpretation of the speaker. Some factors causing semantic diffusiveness are elicited as a result. The author interprets intuition-based language activity as an indispensable ongoing reflection of the producer of the scientific text having certain results open to dialogue and perception by the reader. 
The essential idea is the acknowledgement of the immanent nature of diffusiveness within mental and language reality framing as its interpretation and representation. The scientific conclusions may be applied to the linguistic theory, cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistic research and further research in semantic theory. Some issues may be also used in the development of lexicology theoretical course.

Keywords:  semantic diffusiveness, scientific self-reflection, scientific description, mental and language reality framing, interpretation, representation, linguistic

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Pages:  104-110

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