All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  K.I. Belousov, D.A. Baranov, N.L. Zelyanskaya

Affiliation:  Perm State National Research University, Orenburg State University

Abstract:  The article describes the conceptual hypertext program of subject area modeling based on the information about it. This information is represented in the the corpus of texts. Scientific subject area is considered as an aspect of a reality fragment that stands out, is structured and interpreted in accordance with the objectives, methods, and tools of scientific activities, carried out over a certain class of objects outlined by the scientific subject.
COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS was regarded as a subject area and  publications from the Russian scientific journal “Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”, which is entirely dedicated to the development of lingvocognitive issues, were used as a material.
Scientific subject area is considered as a mental space in which conceptualization of conceptual categorical sphere is carried out. Scientific concepts that are relevant both for the individual scientific research, and for the subject area in general, belong to different sub-systems and the structures of information space of science: terminology and nomenclature; general scientific, disciplinary, particular science (including related) subject areas. In this regard, the scientific subject area is considered as an open multistructural information system, in which the continuous intra- and intersubject process of information exchange on the available information channels is carried out. In addition, the problem of classification of nomenclature and terminological units of subject area are regarded; two approaches are proposed – universal classification and thematic classification, caused by the existing scientific problems under study.
The scientific subject area is also regarded as a conceptosphere and hypertext: the conceptosphere is structured semantic projection of the hypertext, and the hypertext is the material basis of the existence of this projection. Such understanding of the conceptosphere and hypertext relationship allows designing the concept of hypertext conceptual framework – a research program that is implemented in the program code in the form of a software tool (platform).
The transition from the ontological subject area description to the conceptual and hypertext description seems natural in case if an object of study is a science as an ongoing process of new knowledge generating.

Keywords:  scientific subject area, mental space, self-organization, term, ontology, conceptosphere, hypertext, framework, information system “Semograph”

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Pages:  52-62

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