All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  Maslennikova, E.M.

Affiliation:  Tver State University

Abstract:  The literary text is seen as a unity of meanings and phonosemantic, semantic, grammatical and stylistic characteristics. The interpretative scope is determined by the ambivalence of its semantics and polyphonic counterpoint reinforced by the reflective nature of words. Words in texts require special environment to deploy the text projection. The paper considers an evaluative factor as specific for the bilingual text communication. Interpretations as readers’ text projections can only relatively be similar because of readers’ common experience, their knowledge systems, etc. It also depends on the used method how to decode the received message. The ambiguity of literary texts presupposes plurality and variability of interpre-tations that meddle in textual communication. Сultural codes and time reason can affect valuation and selectivity. Interpreters’ personal characteristics allow them to find ties within the conceptual or the-matic areas. Estimated meanings are closely connected with language means chosen to transfer specific distinctive features of a represented textual object. Any text assumes at least two semantically different interpretations due to multidimensionality of word meanings, collocations and connections. The author discusses basic qualities of text communication (interactivity, dialogism, pragmatism, codes, intersubjectivity).

Keywords:  text communication, translation, evaluation, communicative assignment, naive language awareness

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Pages:  39-46

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