All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  Shevchenko, E.V.

Affiliation:  Irkutsk Euro-Asian Linguistic Institute of the Federal State Government-Funded Educational Organization of Higher Professional Education, branch of “Moscow State Linguistic University” (MSLU EALI)

Abstract:  The article is devoted to studying means of orientational impact in various spheres of communication in the mass media.
The object of investigation is a simulacrum and its functions in cognitive orientation of the addressee. 
The main goal of this paper is to demonstrate information simulation delivered with the purpose of manipulating the addressee’s consciousness to change his/her world view. The author discusses the concept of simulacrum; examples of a simulacrum at various language levels and in various communicative orientations are analyzed. 
The article is intended for specialists in the theory of communication and speech acts, as well as for a wider circle of philologists.
Methodologically, the cognitive linguistic analysis involved the analytical instruments, such as the notions of orientational impact, orientational function of the language, orientation spheres, and, in particular, simulacrum. The analysis makes it possible to conclude that the use of the simulacrum as a tactical device to orient the addressee is capable of creating hyperreality, as well as destroying reality, changing people’s world view. 
A biosociocultural approach to language allows to claim that human beings cognize the world through languaging, evolve, adapt to their environment, and change it. Changes in consciousness are reflected in language as a result of causal interaction of a human with the environment and other humans.
The research into mass media communication and its language will help understanding the goals and means of manipulating the public consciousness.

Keywords:  orientational influence, areas of orienting, hyperreality, simulacrum, consciousness manipulation

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Pages:  144-150

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