All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  Tameryan, T.Yu.

Affiliation:  North Ossetian State University, Vladikavkaz

Abstract:  Metaphors representing the concept KANZLERIN ANGELA MERKEL in the German political discourse form a wide area that connects the target domain with numerous source domains. The paper deals with the analysis of Chancellor’s metaphoric image structured by the expansion onto the source domain of professional activity, based on simple and compound models and their varieties. Professional metaphor models correlate with various statuses: low, middle and high. The author shows feminine-related models which associate A. Merkel’s image with typically female occupations. The article describes the pragmatic power of professional metaphoric models defined by the constant conceptual vectors of ruin and destruction and conceptual vector of protectionism.

Keywords:  German political communication, cognitive metaphor, metaphoric world view, simple and compound models, concept

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Pages:  81-87

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