All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  Koshkarova N.N.

Affiliation:  South-Ural State University

Abstract:  The paper is devoted to the analysis of conflict and congruous discourses models’ realization in op-eds. The latter are viewed as texts written by the top-echelon members and published in Russian and foreign mass-media. The most relevant components of the models under discussion for op-eds are as follows: chronotope, themes, speech means. 
The analysis of structural, semantic and pragmatic peculiarities of op-eds is incorporated into the framework of a more global task of studying a politician’s language personality. The study of conflict and congruous discourses models’ realization in op-eds is based on the idea that these models are viewed as cluster structures which components are essential but optional in these or those genres of political communication. The chronotope of the op-eds is of the utmost importance in defining the article as functioning in the framework of conflict or congruous discourse.
The chronotope is determined by this or that world event. The topics which are touched upon in the op-eds are clearly expressed in their titles. The last but not the least component of the op-eds is the speech means to which there belong interrogative constructions, the use of the pronouns we and I. 
The author comes to the conclusion that op-eds lack conflict potential but can cause the such on the part of the political opponents.

Keywords:  new discursive practice, op-eds, conflict discourse, cooperative discourse, intercultural political area

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Pages:  76-84

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