All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  Abaibekova K.T., Abisheva K.M.

Affiliation:  Turan-Astana University (Astana, Kazakhstan)

Abstract:  The subject matter of the research is concerned with the knowledge represented in the value – stereotyped concept TABOO. The objective of the work: identification and description of types of knowledge, expressed in the concept TABOO. The main principle of the research is the cognitive principle aimed at studying language as a form of man’s consciousness and thinking. Research methods used in the work are the cognitive analysis and contrastive method. 
The research conducted made it possible to obtain the following results: we found out that in the concept TABOO there are represented different types ofknowledge: socio-cultural, national and pragmatic; we prove that the social-cultural knowledge contributes to the regulation of conduct of the members of society with the regulations and standards, developed in the society to protect it from the external and internal influences and social control over the behavior of a member of the society; we show that traditional knowledge acts as empirical knowledge accumulated by the people in the process of their cognitive and economic activities within specific ecological niches;we reveal that the pragmatic knowledge may be defined as a set of rules and postulates of communication used with the purpose of regulating communication of communicants; it is also found out that the pragmatic knowledge has a certain semantic content and expresses the intention of the communicants, in particular, friendly or polite attitude to the partner and members of the society; it is proved that all these forms of knowledge do not adequately reflect the peculiarities of national mentality and have differences in terms of expression. 
In conclusion it can be noted that a comprehensive cognitive-semantic and contrastive analysis of the concepts allows to more exactly describe them not only as cultural-mental formations, but also as structures representing various kinds of knowledge.

Keywords:  concept, representation, socio-cultural knowledge, pragmatic knowledge, taboo, euphemism, disphemism, folk beliefs

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Pages:  34-39

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