All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”

CREOLIZED TEXT IN RUSSIAN MASS-MEDIA (based on the example of socio-political publications in the Central Federal District of Russia)

CREOLIZED TEXT IN RUSSIAN MASS-MEDIA (based on the example of socio-political publications in the Central Federal District of Russia)

Author:  S.V. Guskova

Affiliation:  Derzhavin Tambov State University (Tambow, Russia)

Abstract:  The article discusses the features of the creolized text in modern Russian media, highlights the reasons of its popularity and demand among the reading audience and determines the most frequent priority species of visualized information in the printed media. The purpose of the work is to determine the characteristics of information flow transferred to the audiences in socio-political publications through creolized newspaper texts.
The theoretical basis of the research is supported by examples from the socio-political newspapers of the Central Federal District of Russia (Voronezh, Tambov and Tver regions). Developing the theme, the author defined the characteristics as well as the grounds for popularity of the “socio-political newspapers”, which required a thorough treating the theoretical and statistical sources.
The article presents the results of the survey of the students’ audience, held in Tambov region, which has lead us to the conclusion about the degree of the readers’ interest in the regional socio-political publications.
The study may be of interest to practising journalists of printed media in developing their journalistic texts, as well as to bill-editors in processing the visual design of the media.

Keywords:  mass media, journalistic text, creolized text, photo illustrations, photocomments, infographics, typology of mass media, regional publications, socio-political media

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Pages:  109-116

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