All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  N.A. Golubeva

Affiliation:  Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after N.A. Dobrolyubov (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

Abstract:  The article deals with the description of precedented (secondary) units which being indicators of expressive syntax function in religious discourse. The aim of the linguistic analysis is the description of syntactic ways and the structures which realise these ways and express the grammatical category of precedence. The objectives of the research in question are solved from the point of view of the three methodologically relevant aspects. The author points out specific properties of religious discourse, general functional meaning of expressive syntax, analyses the syntactic models realised by concrete precedented units.
In the course of the analysis the author brings to light syntactic secondary forms, means and ways of conveying definite emotive aspects. Simultaneously typification of the language structures which are non-standard from the point of view of the syntactic system of the German sentence is analysed on the basis of tne religious language. The author highlights semantically and syntactically marked arrangement of the elements which alongside with the other types is regarded as a way of representation of expressive syntax.
The article deals with the criteria of cognitive and linguistic level in paradigmatics and syntagmatics. The criteria in question help to define syntactic precedented structures. The author analyses the criterion of linear projecting of a sentence, integrity and unity of concept base, expression of linguistic and psychological modus, etc.
On the basis of the abovementioned analysis the author concludes that there are definite cognitive-semantic schemes on which syntactic precedented structures are based.
The findings of the research, the key theoretical points and the results of the empiric analysis can contribute to further development of the discourse theory, concept provisions of emotiology, the theory of language precedence on the example of other languages and types of discourse.

Keywords:  religious discourse, expressive syntax, language precedent, a grammar precedented unit, parenthesis

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Pages:  91-100

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