All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”

METAPHORIC EXPLOSION IN GREEK CRISIS REPRESENTATION (on the materials of recent mass media publications)

METAPHORIC EXPLOSION IN GREEK CRISIS REPRESENTATION (on the materials of recent mass media publications)

Author:  N.Yu. Borodulina, M.N. Makeyeva

Affiliation:  Tambov State Technical University (Tambov, Russia)

Abstract:  The authors analyse metaphors and metaphoric models representing events of the Greek crisis and its possible outcomes such as Greece’s withdrawal from European Union (EU) as well as European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) in mass media publications from the positions of lingvocognitive approach. The article’s objective is demonstration of lingvocognitive specifics of metaphors and metaphoric models representing one of the most complex periods in the EC history connected not only with the EU preservation but also with the preservation of unique European currency and territory where it is in circulation.
The material collected with the help of continuous sampling method from the internet analogs of world leading issues testifies to the feasible increase of creative metaphors born during the period of the aggravation of the economic situation in Greece. These metaphors demonstrate their axiological and emotive impact due to their wide correlation with other linguistic means such as phraseological units, argotisms, religious and mythological symbols in one and the same context.
The research done confirms the presence of metaphoric storms and stills in the metaphorization process. The authors argue that metaphoric activity in the process of European Union and currency preservation may be characterized as manifestation of a metaphoric explosion.

Keywords:  metaphor, metaphoric representation, metaphoric model, source sphere, metaphor’s axiological potential, emotive constituent of metaphorization

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Pages:  49-56

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