All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  Y.V. Bogoyavlenskaya, E.A. Nakhimova, A.P. Chudinov

Affiliation:  Ural State Pedagogical University (Ekaterinburg, Russia)

Abstract:  The article deals with a corpus study of the elements of national historical memory – precedent utterances connected with the name of the French General Pierre Jacques Étienne Cambronne. The aim of the article is to study the versions of the origin and specificity of functioning of the precedent utterances under consideration in the French, English and Russian national media discourses. Precedent utterances are studied from the positions of the linguo-cognitive theory of precedent phenomena. Without being a proved fact of reality, the utterances of the legendary General of Napoleon’s Guards Cambronne became part of history and a significant element of the French national memory. In the press they often function in the original (canonical) form, put in inverted commas and are accompanied by a reference to the source. It is the first part of the precedent name La garde meurt mais ne se rends pas! that undergoes transformations; the structure of the words le mot de Cambronne remains unchanged. The English mass media practice provides little evidence of reference to these precedents, and their transformations are insignificant. The Russian press actively uses only the heroic precedent utterance effectively exploiting its strong emotional charge and pragmatic potential. The link with the original source is lost, possibly due to the negative image of Napoleon in the Russian consciousness. The use of transformed variants proves the need for the precedent utterance and its ability to flexibly respond to the context, but leads to “blurring” the structure and loss of expressiveness. The results of the study may be used in practical teaching of cognitive linguistics, linguo-culturology and history and for further elaboration of the theory of precedent phenomena.

Keywords:  Cambronne, Napoleon Bonaparte, national historical memory, mass media, precedent phenomenon, precedent utterance, corpus study

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Pages:  39-48

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