All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  L.V. Kushnina, A.I. Krivoruchko, A.O. Ushakova

Affiliation:  Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Abstract:  The study subject is cognitive mechanisms of the translator’s activity. Methodological ground of the study is an original conception of the translator’s space developed by one of the authors within which translation is considered as a system of heterogeneous explicit-implicit senses which are transposed by translator from one language to another, from one culture to another. As a result of senses dynamics and their synergy a harmonious translation text is being formed in the translator’s space. The category of harmony serves to expand a valuation field of translation text quality traditionally interpreted in terms of adequacy and equivalence. An unhappy translation containing mistakes and non-conformances is considered as disharmonious. The aim of the research lies in proving the criteria of translation harmony revealed in different steps of the translator’s space analysis. The article is focused on a detailed studying the essence of the lingvo-synergetic criteria based on the principles of synergetic ideology. The results of the research include developing the translation cognitive mechanisms that correlate with synergetic principles and involve the accumulation of new senses. The functional areas of theoretical issues are literary texts in French and their translations into Russian and English. The authors make the following conclusion: a translator displaying harmonious ideology would be able to create a product of a high quality that is not only acceptable in the target culture but is involving its enrichment.

Keywords:  translation space, translator’s cognition, sense, category of harmony, lingvo-synergetic criteria of harmonious translation.

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Pages:  85-95

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