All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  N.N. Boldyrev, S.G. Vinogradova

Affiliation:  Derzhavin Tambov State University

Abstract:  The article focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects of information distribution in the structure of a composite sentence with special regard to an individual’s interpreting role in linguistic conceptualization, categorization and knowledge formatting. The authors argue that in the context of interpretation as a cognitive activity a composite sentence appears a specific linguistic knowledge format that holistically represents two or more events as a single conceptual structure. Within this structure the speaker specifies one event as given knowledge and the other(s) as new from a functional sentence perspective. On the conceptual level mental and linguistic ways of conveying the scope of the given and the new are governed by the specific interpretative function that the authors term the status-of-knowledge-determining function and define it a part of the general interpretive function of language. Since determining the status of knowledge is mandatory in communication, this function performs a metainterpretational role in building a composite structure. In analyzing metacognitive activity of the speaker the authors resort to metacognitive modeling of a composite sentence from the perspective of the given and the new knowledge interaction in communication. Basic metacognitive models of a composite sentence are construed and described with evidence from English.

Keywords:  composite sentence, linguistic knowledge format, interpretation, metainterpretation, information distribution, knowledge, metacognitive modeling.

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Pages:  69-76

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