All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  V.P. Novikova

Affiliation:  Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University

Abstract:  The article is dedicated to the study of metaphors, making up language manifestation of the problems of migration in Europe. There is no denying the fact that the challenge Europe is facing is a historic one. Breaking news, features, and analysis of the leading British broadcasting companies and newspapers, dedicated to the problem dating July- December 2015, are used as a material for the research. The article illustrates how the complicated and many layered phenomenon of migration is being presented and analyzed through the prism of metaphor. The research proves that such conceptual spheres as “Elements”, “War and warfare”, “Burden” and “Control” are graphic and serve as a source of numerous sustained metaphors outlining the problems, connected with migrants and migration. The research has demonstrated that negative evaluation prevails in the majority of domains serving as a source of metaphorical expansion which makes us believe that there is a negative perception of this issue in journalism and the society. Biblical allusions along with the metaphor of “Travel” are used by the authors to underline the epoch-making character of the event, helping to create the effect of inevitability and despair. The countries that accept migrants are usually metaphorically presented with the help of such concept spheres as “Home” and “Paradise”. However, a negative connotation prevails here as with hosts turning out to be inhospitable, treating newcomers as trespassers. Numerous metaphors are used to present an already polarized and deeply-divided society in many European countries. The author states, that such conceptual domains as “Hospitality” and “Cooperation” as sources of metaphorical expansion are very rarely used. The researchers warn that riddling features and news with negative imagery, political writers and politicians are stepping into quicksand. The array of diverse metaphors reflect not only the way the journalists perceive the problem of migration in the context of a modern society, they do form certain stereotypes in readers who serve as receptors of these metaphors.

Keywords:  cognitive linguistics, sociological metaphor, metaphorical model, migration, journalism.

References:  Болдырев Н.Н. (2009) Концептуальная основа языка // Когнитивные исследования языка. Вып. IV. С. 25-77.
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Pages:  141-147

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