All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  E.R. Nikolaev

Affiliation:  The Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North (IHRISN)

Abstract:  History of the study of Yakut anthroponyms has gone a long way as part of the Yakut Linguistics. Currently, the systematization of the structure and semantics of the Yakut anthroponyms is still incomplete. The same may be said about ways of their word formation and classification category, where there is no conclusive comparative historical analysis with related Turkic anthroponyms. Among these problems there is an aspect relating to the establishment of the onomastic conceptual sphere of the Yakut anthroponyms. The article proposes a definition of the onomastic concept THE SUN in the system of personal names of the Turkic people by the method of contrastive analysis and description of the semantics included in the nominative field of this concept. The proposed onomastic concept is represented within the conceptual sphere of NATURE and associated with cultural and historical traditions of the Turkic people. The result of the study is in identifying the formation of anthroponyms from the appellative word on the basis of metaphorization of the first notions of the word, of which the proper names are formed. These words-concepts have unique layers and carry figurativeness, metaphoricity of notions, which is reflected in the proper names. The offered scheme of representation can be used in the future for compiling the Yakut proper names concepts.

Keywords:  Yakut proper names, Turkic anthroponyms, concept, Turkic conceptual sphere, metaphorization of the appellative, cosmonym (pseudoname).

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