All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  L.О. Butakova

Affiliation:  Omsk State University

Abstract:  The perception of non-homogeneous speech phenomenon is the subject matter of the article. This issue is relevant due to the actual linguistic interest to the cognitive basis of perception, and because of the significant role multimodal communication plays in the lives of modern children and adults. The purpose of the study is to show the character of perceiving the popular cartoon series by modern Russian people as part of the current social-oriented communication, build their psycholinguistic model using the technique of reconstruction of non-homogeneous speech products. The author argues the cartoon series are dynamic audio-visual polymodal objects in which diverse components form a common semantic space. Semantic differential method (14 antonymous scales) has been used to identify functional load of different properties of polymodal texts. Results of the study: the author has specified on subjective semantic spaces of the six cartoons series based on respondents’ answers: they reflected emotional attitude and assessment of the polymodal texts’ form and content. The most involved in action is “Masha and the Bear”; “SpongeBob Square Pants” has received the least dynamic parameter of perception; “Winnie the Pooh” is rated as a “self’ series, “SpongeBob Square Pants” – as an “other” one; “Winnie the Pooh” has the most productive (“useful”) factor of perception, “SpongeBob Square Pants” – the least productive (“harmful”). “Winnie the Pooh” has won the property of “intelligent”, “SpongeBob Square Pants” – the property of “stupid”.

Keywords:  non-homogeneous speech subjects, polymodal text, cognitive processes of reception,subjective semantic space, semantic differential method, psycholinguistic modeling.

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Pages:  21-32

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