All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  E.A. Heydarova

Affiliation:  Baku State University

Abstract:  The author considers the language worldview using the example of the Russian island dialect of Azerbaijan in the article. A research of this kind is conducted for the first time. Russian island dialect of Azerbaijan formed from different dialects of the Russian language that gained a number of common features allows to present it as a group of southern great Russian dialects in the foreign language environment. The Russian island dialect is leveled as it is torn off from the mother country and from the beginning it has been in a foreign language environment. It is called “an island dialect” because it does not form a continuous, compact area and is scattered around the islands in the territory of Azerbaijan. The lexicon of a dialect of the Russian settlers living outside Russia brightly reflects originality, features of character and perception of world by the Russian people. At the same time change of a habitual environment and habitat led to emergence of new terminology. Mentality of the people is reflected in the Russian island dialect, in particular, it is shown in names of wild animals and pets. Pets’ sex distinction is transferred through suppletive and suffixal ways whereas differentiation of a sex of wild animals is insignificant to which numerous examples (51 words) testify. At the same time carriers of a dialect create a suffixal couple for designation of a female individual, trying to fill the lacunas. As carriers of the Russian island dialect are mostly peasants, their life is closely connected with the earth. Work of ethnos and features of environment generate a set of the names connected with agriculture (234 words), cattle breeding (151 words), beekeeping (30 words), weaving (35 words) in the dictionary structure of language. When saving the names habitual for perception of the Russian person, the lexicon included the names connected with features of a new landscape. For example, in language of the settlers who lodged near the coast of the Caspian Sea there is a new terminology connected already with fishery (37 words).

Keywords:  language world view, Russian linguoculture, mentality of the people, the Russian island dialect, environment.

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Pages:  68-77

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