All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  Z.T. Ibramkhalilova

Affiliation:  Dagestan State University

Abstract:  The article aims at investigating typological characteristics of the ways of taxis conceptualization on the material of Lezgian and English. Spatial representation is realized in language interpretation of the functionally semantic categories of taxis and temporality. Transferring to the sphere of temporal relations, spatial parameters form some cognitive images. There is an appropriate inventory of semantic means for their conceptualization in Lezgian. They are Ablative, Prolative, Directive and Locative. The methodological foundation of the research is a cognitive approach according to which the universal functional semantic categories can be interpreted with different means in languages. The detected language means of taxis conceptualization are interpreted by means of comparative-typological method. The methods of semantic modeling and component analysis are also used. Directive is found out represented with the declensional indices –(a)ldi of converbs, Locative has indices -(v)aj, –u'vdi. The same deep semantic roles are presented in English in the functionally correlated forms of dependent taxis. The spatial component declensional indices differ. Directive is presented in the subordinate clause with conjunctions before, after, till / until; Locative is presented in the same way by means of conjunctions as, with. There are not any examples of taxis implementation based on the semantics of Ablative and Prolative (motion trajectory). The received observations are in the interest of taxis category typology and development of theoretical grammar of the compared languages. The comparative characteristics of the taxis conceptualization ways in the investigated languages can be applied for the cognitive linguistics courses, comparative typology of the given languages, translation theory. The representatives of spatial components of semantics used for taxis relations conceptualization are presented in subordinate clauses with conjunctions developed from some spatial prepositions in English. In Lezgian they are presented with spatial declensional inflections as parts of converb structure. From the functional point of view, such converbs of Lezgian are equivalent to subordinate clauses of English.

Keywords:  taxis, spatial relationships, locative case, the deep semantic role, converb.

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Pages:  122-128

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