All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  E.V. Bodnaruk

Affiliation:  Northern Arctic Federal University

Abstract:  The author defines the categorial status of future time in the article using the material of the German language. Analysis of fictional and journalistic discourses and using the componential, distributive and contextual methods allowed coming to the following results: The Future is one of the semantic components of temporality. Ontologically and also gnosiologically it differs from the Present and the Past, while being nonfactual and unverified in the moment of speech (except some special cases).
In the German language there is a great variety of verbal predicative forms and constructions, which can be used for expressing future time reference. They reveal intercategorial links of the Future as a temporal subcategory to such categories as taxis, aspect, modality and evidentiality. The temporal future is deictic. It indicates events, that follow the moment of speech. Taxis or anaphoric future indicates events, that follow other events. Aspectual future involves verbal forms, that express completeness.
The Future is also closely connected with modality: volitive and epistemic future. In the presence of information source the evidential semantic is expressed together with the epistemic: epistemical-evidentional future. Evidentional future can be expressed, when the source of information is absolutely reliable. Volitive, epistemic, epistemical-evidentional and evidentional future form together the semantic category of futurity.

Keywords:  Future time, temporality, volitive and epistemic modality, evidentiality, the German language

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Pages:  128-134

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