All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  O.V. Sokolova

Affiliation:  Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract:  The paper explores the cognitive mechanism of refocusing, or focus shifting mechanism that underlies the formation of lexical and grammatical occasionalisms. This mechanism lying in the base of the communicative strategies of deautomatization and automatization is exploited in the avant-garde, PR- and advertising discourses. The author chooses these discourses due to such common feature as overcoming the communicative dislike of the addressee that is performed through advancing non-conventional language elements in the focus and initiating the additional efforts in the message decoding that is understood as manifestation of linguistic-creative activity.
The applied research methods include those of linguistic poetics, linguistic semiotics, linguistic stylistics, the discursive and cognitive analysis.
The discursive conditions of object construction, defined by heuristic construction principles of new values in these discourses, determine the need to refer to the analysis of semantic changes and distribution of attention in the language. Cognitive-pragmatic (cognitive-discursive) direction was developed in the research of Dan Sperber, Deirdre Wilson, Robyn Carston, Elena S. Kubryakova, Valery Z. Demyankov, Nikolay N. Boldyrev, Olga K. Iriskhanova, and others. The analysis of the typological similarity of the discourses makes it possible to identify basic and specific cognitive mechanisms and communicative strategies. The author discusses in further detail the basic mechanisms and strategies, which include the mechanism of refocusing and communicative strategies of deautomatization and automatization as well as relevant tactics.

Keywords:  discourse, cognitive mechanisms, communicative strategies

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Pages:  19-30

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