All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  A.L. Golovanevsky

Affiliation:  Academician I.G. Petrovsky Bryansk State University

Abstract:  The subject matter of the article is the means of the language expression of the concept FACT in poetic and prosaic genres of Russian as exemplified in the contexts presented in the Russian National Corpus. The topic of the article is the meaning and means of expression of the concept FACT. The purpose of the research is to prove that the concept FACT in the Russian language is expressed not only by the proposition but also by a separate word and in its meaning, combinability, evaluativity, pronounced associations. The “Fact” in the Russian language can differ essentially from the “Fact” in the English language.
The methodology of the work is based on analytico-synthetic methods of interpretation of the contexts allowing to systematize and classify language units and relying on the concrete uses and less often on their nominalization to theoretically prove the actual and event-related meaning. The received results are as follows: it has been proved that in the Russian language “Fact” is not only a proposition but a separate word with its evaluativity, combinability, associations and notional potential. The scope of the received results embraces various genres of the general and author’s lexicography, a semantic theory.
Conclusion: the concept FACT in the language can be expressed both by a verified proposition and a separate word – a concrete noun. To fact words there belong a person, artifacts, plant and animal life. When people name what they feel, they at the same time assign the actual meaning to it. These word facts are primary. Facts as a result of judgment are secondary.

Keywords:  fact, event, fact word, fact statement, meaning, evaluativity, fact event, proposition, concept, name

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Pages:  63-75

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