All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  G.N. Ostrikova

Affiliation:  Don State Technical University

Abstract:  The article is devoted to investigating fixed syntactic structures with opposite meanings in the German language. The objective of this work is a description of functional-semantic peculiarities of constructions analyzed.
The research is based on the German language material obtained with the help of linguistic description and contextual analysis. The author identifies and considers enantiosemic structures based on the declarative, interrogative and exclamatory models of the sentence.
Fixed models bear structural similarity to ordinary sentences but they differ idiomatically. The opposition “affirmation / negation” appears different in interrogative, exclamatory and declarative sentences. Actually, all of them may be subjected to the process of phraseologisation and move into the category of fixed models. These transformations often lead to enantiosemy. The choice of one meaning of an enantiosemic fixed construction is always determined by its context and situation. It is in the context and particular speech situation that one or another function of enantiosemic ambivalent structure appears. A common trend is specific word order fixing for an enantiosemic syntactic model. A special meaning is almost always associated with particular word order in a sentence.
Fixed models in the function of imperative sentences are the least productive in terms of enantiosemic meanings creation. The narrative sentences with an enantiosemic meaning are more common. The most productive enantiosemic models are interrogative structures.
Thus, enantiosemic meanings can be also expressed by fixed syntactic constructions which have some phraseological features. Enantiosemy is systemic because it actively operates not only on the lexical but also on the syntactic level. Enantiosemy researches are connected with studies of linguistic meaning development and functioning.

Keywords:  enantiosemy, syntactical phraseology, fixed syntactic structures

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Pages:  148-154

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