All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  L.A. Furs

Affiliation:  Derzhavin Tambov State University

Abstract:  The article considers memory and metamemory as two subdomains of human cognition. While memory keeps statable knowledge in the form of concepts (declarative knowledge), metamemory refers to human capabilities to monitor declarative knowledge, regulate its contents and construe complex knowledge. The author proposes a declarative function and a procedural function of metamemory to reveal the specifics of metamemory role in cognitive processes.
The author analyses word combinations with adjectives of space semantics to show the dynamic nature of metamemory and its role in construing inferences. The procedural function of metamemory is based on cognitive principles of knowledge organization, such as analogy, association, “part – whole” principle, “cause – consequence” principle.
The results are important for understanding cognitive and metacognitive aspects of human brain and may be used in further research of theoretical framework of human cognition and metamemory as its domain.

Keywords:  metamemory, declarative function, procedural function, concept, inference

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Pages:  5-9

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