All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  Z. Bohušová

Affiliation:  Matej Bel University

Abstract:  This paper aims to discuss the main aspects of two concepts: interpreting neutralization as a cognitive strategy and neutralization as a feature of interpreting processes. It addresses three main issues:
(1) which cognitive structures and processes form the foundation of the neutralizational aspect of interpreting, (2) what is the cognitive basis of the aspect of interpreting procedure that is responsible for interventions into the source text, and what are the effects of this intervention, and (3) what are the consequences of source-text defects and markers for the target text, and how is it all possible that a (professional, experienced) interpreter often interprets what the speaker means, not what he/she actually says.
Neutralization of source-text features broadens the spectrum of commonly used interpreting strategies and functions in symbiosis with related cognitive processes. In examples of the illustrative subchapter attention is paid to the neutralizational activities in diplomatic communication. The use of neutralizations is not limited to cases of empathy or lack thereof; they are applicable to a considerable range of linguistic and extra-linguistic features, such as vulgarisms, dialects and suprasegmental features.

Keywords:  interpreting, cognition, neutralizations, optimum, (un)markedness.

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Online resources
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For citation:  , Z. (2017). The Cognition of Interpreting and Neutralization. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 4, 58-68.

Pages:  58-68

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