All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  V.V. Katermina

Affiliation:  Kuban State University

Abstract:  The article is devoted to the analysis of linguocultural characteristics of English mass-media neologisms. The significant peculiarity of vocabulary is its inherent direction to the phenomena of reality, that is why it is the vocabulary that reflects all the changes happening in the public life, which inevitably leads to the formation of new nominations.

New vocabulary in mass-media is of peculiar interest to scholars as a word in this sphere of life should possess expressiveness, draw the attention of the audience, for which in some cases lexical units capable of fulfilling a certain communicative task are formed. And it is the mass-media that spread these new words and are the means of their popularization.

The most frequent thematic groups analysed are music, literature and cinematography. The article underlines that the analysis of English mass-media new words contributes to understanding typical and specific peculiarities of a people by a language personality. As a result of describing cultural interpretation of a basis of the analysed units conceptual values based on the people’s mentality and typical traits of an ethnos can be singled out.

Keywords:  neologism, nomination, mass-media, culture, interpretative potential, English discourse

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URL: http://dictionaryblog.cambridge.org/tag/neologisms
URL: http://www.macmillandictionary.com/
URL: http://www.urbandictionary.com/
URL: http://www.wordspy.com/

Pages:  84-90

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