All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  A.I. Dubskikh, A.V. Butova, S.V. Kharitonova

Affiliation:  Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University

Abstract:  This work deals with the study of the communicative and cognitive bases of self-presentation, its importance in the communication process of individuals.

Using their past experience, stereotypes and assumptions people draw conclusions about the individual from his behavior and appearance. The addressee expresses himself (on purpose or without it) and allows others to form a certain impression about him. The role of solidarity tactics in the formation of the respondent’s image is emphasized as well as attracting and maintaining interest to his person. Implementation of solidarity tactics with the addressee in the “star” interview involves giving the impression of common views, interests, aspirations and the sense of “psychological consonance” of the speaker and the audience. If a showman voices issues that are close to his audience and shares its values, he can be defined as “insider” and count on the certain support.

The authors examine verbalization of solidarity tactics in the texts of the “star” interview.
A good many lexical-semantic resources, facilitating the adequate self-presentation of a public person are carefully analyzed.The practical value of the work is determined by the ability to use its statements and conclusions for the preparation of training courses and special seminars on Communicativistica (theory and practice of communication), Cognitive linguistics, Pragmalinguistics, Imageology.

Keywords:  communication, self-presentation, image, self-motivation, “star” interview, solidarity tactics

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Pages:  99-106

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