All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  T.M. Mirokhina

Affiliation:  Bunin Yelets State University

Abstract:  The research is based on the ideas and conceptions of cognitive linguistics elaborated in the works by G. Lakoff, R. Langacker, Ch. Fillmore, E.S. Kubryakova and others. The article is an attempt to interpret the relations of conditionality (the relations of reason, consequence, purpose, condition, concession) as an integral linguistic object built according to the prototypical principle.
The unity of conditionality relations comes out due to the description of cognitive mechanisms of their formation on the basis of prototypical cause-and-effect relations. Some cognitive models are used to form the category of conditionality. The relations of reason constituting the basic level of the category of conditionality are processed cognitively in two ways – in the ways of their differentiation and gen-eralization. Differentiation of prototypical relations resulted in designation of special-purpose relations in the language with special means. The author argues that the communicative version of the relations of reason are the relations of consequence. There are propositional cognitive models (proposition, sce-nario) forming the basis of the relations of reason, consequence and purpose. Generalization of proto-typical relations speeds up the work of the vivid aspects of thinking that operate on such cognitive models as a conceptual metaphor (conditional relations of the non-indicative type) and conceptual oxymoron (concessive relations).
The analysis of the sphere of conditionality within the limits of the prototypical model of catego-rization gives reason to consider conditionality as a prototypical category. The relations of reason have the status of a prototype because of their unidentification and cognitive simplicity compared with other types of conditionality. From the mentioned starting point people go on differentiating and at the same time generalizing the relations of conditionality dealing with ontological, epistemic and communicative aspects of the interpreted situation.

Keywords:  categorization, prototype, prototypical category, cognitive model, conceptual metaphor, conceptual oxymoron, conditionality

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Pages:  90-100

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