All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  1 - E.G. Arjukhina, 1 - E.V. Grudeva, 2 - L.N. Churilina

Affiliation:  1 - Cherepovets State University, 2 - Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University

Abstract:  The article considers specific characteristics of secondary texts determined by the peculiarity of linguistic and cognitive processes occurring in their production.
The secondary text is understood as a text created in the process of reproduction of a special type of speech activity. The current research methodology is based on the idea that the retelling of the text and keywords set formation are made possible due to the formation of a mental model of the text in a perceiver’s mind. The research is based on oral retelling of literary texts fragments and keywords sets obtained in the course of a psycholinguistic experiment. The research is aimed at comparative studying the texts-reproductions, as well as at determining the nature of the relations developing within the textual paradigm of a unified mental model.
The research results show that, cognitively, a reproduced text can be understood as a consistent implementation of a number of processes: “interpretation of the meaning of the primary text language units → compression of the text meaning → formation of an integrated cognitive structure (concept of the text) → text reconstruction in the course of forming a secondary text.” The defining feature of text retelling/a set of keywords as a text, is its absolute dependence on the primary text, that is manifested in the pursuit of the speaker to transfer its contents fully or partially. The content is viewed as a mental model of the primary text, formed in a perceiver’s mind as a result of the process of his/her under-standing and interpreting it.
The text formal organization is to a great extent preset. The degree of “rigidity” of a secondary text structure is determined by the objectives pursued by its author.

Keywords:  secondary text, retelling, set of key words, mental model of the text, Speech corpus of the Russian language

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Pages:  101-106

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