All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  O.K. Iriskhanova, М.I. Кiose

Affiliation:  Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract:  The authors of the present paper argue that terminological transfer is realized by means of the technologies of clustering, with polycentric and monocentric types being the most frequent ones.
Whereas the interdisciplinary terminology clustering can be easily traced at the level of well-established theories and schools, the initial personal stage of the transfer, leading to the formation of individual terminological clusters, is far more difficult to follow. The authors analyze the personal exchange of letters between Victoria Welby and other distinguished semioticians of her time – B. Russell, Ch. S. Peirce, Ch. K. Ogden (mostly accumulated in [Petrilli 2009]). The letters feature the personal knowledge transfer between the scholars through scientifically-oriented correspondence.
The analysis of the terminological cluster of “Meaning” demonstrates that the personal knowledge transfer follows the general technologies of polycentric, monocentric and mixed clustering, serving as a pre-scheme for further reorganization of terms at the institutional level. The study reveals specific technologies for each type of clustering, such as strengthening the nuclear and periphery zones, maintaining the structure of the cluster, its isolation from adjacent clusters and some others.

Keywords:  term, clustering of terms, technologies of clustering, knowledge transfer, personalization

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Pages:  26-38

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