All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  S.M. Prokopieva, Yu.P. Borisov

Affiliation:  North-Eastern Federal University

Abstract:  The authors conduct study of the conceptual structure of TEMPORALITY with the use of lexicographic definitions of the components of rhythmo-syntactic parallelisms in the process of actualization in the texts of the Yakut olonkho and the Altai epic. The aim of the article is a comparative analysis of the rhythmo-syntactic parallelisms of the TEMPORALITY concept in the texts of the Yakut olonkho and the Altai epic. For establishment of the truth of ontologized conceptual information we used the verification method. The method of contextual analysis helps to identify the actualization of the word as a component of rhythmo-syntactic parallelisms in the context. A retrospective and prospective analysis revealed that the TEMPORALITY concept is characterized by a description of events in the texts of the Yakut olonkho and the Altai epos through rhythmo-syntactic parallelisms in the past and the future. The general method of study is inductively-deductive.
The explication of the TEMPORALITY concept with rhythmo-syntactic parallelisms in the analyzed texts helped to discover the following groups: TIME (epic time, seasons, beginning, day and future time), DURATION (fast, long, long + short), WEATHER PHENOMENA, MATURATION.
A comparative analysis of rhythmo-syntactic parallelisms in the texts of the Yakut olonkho “Djyrybyna Dzhyrylyatta, the Girl-warrior” by P.P. Yadrihinsky and the Altai epos “Maadai-Kara” by A.G. Galkin revealed the universal and the idioethnic in the explication of rhythmo-syntactic parallels in the analyzed texts. Further study of rhythmo-syntactic parallelisms in the Yakut olonkho and the Turkic-Mongolian epics is of great interest due to the language being regarded as a cultural code of the nation, not simply as an instrument of communication or cognition.

Keywords:  temporality, rhythmo-syntactic parallelism, narrative, time, perceptive moment, objective time, cyclic time.

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Acknowledgments:  The research is was funded by Ministry of Education and Science, Russian Federation, research project
No. 34.3377.2017/ПЧ.

For citation:  Prokopieva, S. M., & Borisov, Yu. P. (2018). Representation of the temporality concept by rhythmo-syntactic parallelisms in Yakut olonkho and Altai epos. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 1, 30-40. (In Russ.).

Pages:  30-40

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