All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  T.A. Shiryaeva, A.G. Avsharov

Affiliation:  Pyatigorsk State University

Abstract:  The article gives a brief analytical review of the problem of modeling in linguistics, on the one hand, and insufficient attention to business discourse, on the other hand. Though a lot of research concepts of business discourse concentrate on some particular specific issues, a more global and complex task as reconstructing the general multilevel model of business discourse is not solved.
We consider the effective methodological basis of the study of business discourse to be socio-cognitive modeling aimed at identifying the set of informative slots related to a particular area of human experience and verbalized by lexical units naming business objects and reality.
In recent decades, the concept MODEL has been widely used in linguistic studies on the discourse analysis. Modeling as the method of constructing real objects, processes and phenomena gains the epistemological nature and becomes synonymous with the process of knowledge. The main tasks of reconstructing general multilevel business discourse model are: to reveal the nature of business discourse, to depict the social impact on business professional communication, to find out the mechanisms of interdependence between the cognition of businessmen and the language they use in their professional interaction, to explain the role of language structures in the mental processes of business speech comprehension and production.
The proposed multilevel socio-cognitive business discourse model elicits the following specific features of business professional communication:
1) the organization of business language is not based on semantics but on knowledge – “images”, “situations”, ‘ideas” which are kept in the human brain and engaged in the professional business activities;
2) professional knowledge is accumulated in the consciousness of businessmen on the basis of the formation of the institutional frames;
3) these professional frames can be corresponded and structured in special business thesaurus and represented in the special set of professional texts.
This model contributes to establishing the ways and mechanisms of language categorization and conceptualization and allows to explain the universal character of professional business communication. However, the model requires further empirical verification on the basis of the languages with a different morphological system which will be the object of further research.

Keywords:  business communication, business discourse, discourse analysis, linguistic modeling,
socio-cognitive approach, institutional frame, categorization, business thesaurus.

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For citation:  Shiryaeva, T. A., & Avsharov, A. G. (2018). Socio-cognitive modeling as a methodological basis of business discourse analysis. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 1, 94-102. (In Russ.).

Pages:  94-102

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