All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  V.Yu. Melikyan¹, A.V. Melikyan¹, V.V.Posidelova²

Affiliation:  ¹ Southern Federal University , ² Rostov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Abstract:  The aim of the article is to classify English fixed phrase schemes taking into consideration the degree of their idiomaticity: criteria for each class and their productivity degree are being defined. For this purpose, we determined structural, semantic, etymological, paradigmatic, phraseological and stylistic peculiarities of fixed phrase schemes as well as their place in the English language system.
The authors argue that the fixed phrase scheme is a syntactic unit that represents the communicative function, possesses the stable construction scheme, expresses propositional (dictum and modus) meaning, and phraseosyntactic meaning (syntactic, intensifying and expressive semes). Its structure includes both the compulsory unchangeable and the compulsory changeable components. The fixed phrase schemes differ by the phraseologization degree. That is why it is reasonable to distinguish phraseological coalescences, phraseological unities and phraseological combinations.
The descriptive, transformational and analogous methods are used in the article as well as phraseographical portraying, and component, phraseological, etymological and discourse analysis. The fixed phrase scheme is an extremely effective tool of communicative interaction.

Keywords:  syntactic phraseology, fixed phrase scheme, idiomaticity, the English language.

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For citation:  Melikyan, V. Yu., Melikyan, A. V., & Posidelova, V. V. (2018). The classification of English fixed phrase schemes according to phraseological hierarchy. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 2, 145-151.

Pages:  145-151

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