All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  O.A. Kostrova

Affiliation:  Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Abstract:  The paper continues the author’s research of temporality in German. In my previous work,
I have found out that authors mainly use temporal clauses in narration, varying the situations relevant for the composition of narration or for temporal accenting of some events. Now I use cognitive approach to analyze temporal reference frames that involve temporal clauses as well as tenses, speech acts and syntactical units.
The basis of my analysis are cognitive models of time by Evans. I slightly modify his models and combine them with modeling of tense groups by Weinrich. This methodology allows separating from the deictic egocentric temporal frame of the author a specific frame referring to the time interval of temporal clause. This relation named taxis has specific discursive functions enriched with semantic traces reminding of historical development of appropriate temporal conjunction. I interpret them as shades of space, comparison, delimitation or questioning [Kostrova 2010]. Added to the semantics of conjunction they form specific frames as secondary reference point in Weinrich’s ‘retold world’.
The third temporal frame reproduces situations concerning the speech of characters that possess their own mental spaces which change the situation into ‘discussing world’ having other temporal regularities.

Keywords:  resource spheres of temporality, reference, deixis, taxis, ego centering, allocentering, included centering.

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For citation:  Kostrova, O. A. (2018). Cognitive modeling of temporal semantics in German narrative discourse. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 2, 21-30. (In Russ.).

Pages:  21-30

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