All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”

LEXICOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION OF POLITICAL TERMS (on an example of the term “corruption”)

LEXICOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION OF POLITICAL TERMS (on an example of the term “corruption”)

Author:  O.N. Kondratyeva

Affiliation:  Kemerovo State University

Abstract:  The subject matter of the article is the specific character of political terminology functioning in the Russian mediadiscourse of the XXIst century. The objective – a background of the dictionary concept locating actual value of political terminology in modern mediadiscourse. The author describes the structure of the entry using the example of the entry CORRUPTION and analyses the practical lexicography results. Research methods used in the work are the cognitive analysis, the distributive analysis, componential analysis, metaphorical modelling.
The research has shown, that Russian mass-media create a more volumetric concept about corruption, than dictionaries or the Russian legislation, they offer varied versions of interpretation and assessment of corruption, create a powerful emotional background of the shined concept. As a result of transformation the conceptual, figurative and estimated levels of the concept CORRUPTION are exposed.
Similar ambiguity is defined as multifaceted nature of corruption, due to its focus on different social groups (officials, politicians, businessmen, ordinary citizens, etc.). The imperfection of legal regulating questions of corruption in Russia largely determines the diversity of the interpretations of the given term occurring in mass-media.
The results of this research can be of certain interest for experts in the field of political science and jurisprudence, for representatives of mass-media.

Keywords:  lexicographic interpretation, political terminology, discourse of mass-media, conceptual metaphor, corruption.

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Acknowledgments:  The research is financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. 15-04-00311.

For citation:  Kondratyeva, O. N. (2018). Lexicographic interpretation political terms (on an example of the term “corruption”). Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 2, 112-120. (In Russ.).

Pages:  112-120

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