All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”

METAPHOR “INTERNET =WATER SPACE” IN MASS MEDIA (on the basis of content-analysis of the Russian National Corpus)

METAPHOR “INTERNET =WATER SPACE” IN MASS MEDIA (on the basis of content-analysis of the Russian National Corpus)

Author:  N.Yu. Borodulina, M.N. Makeeva

Affiliation:  Tambov State Technical University

Abstract:  The article examines conceptual metaphors of the subject area INTERNET. The paper aims at studying water space metaphor representing Internet by the material of the Russian National Corpus. To identify the peculiarities and tendencies of water space metaphor in the modern Russian language the authors use content analysis method which allowed making conclusions on the basis of identifying conceptual characteristics of the content of the analyzed metaphorical model. To calculate quantitative data the authors introduce content analysis chart representing statistical calculations. At the final stage the interpretation of the acquired information occurred.
The studies of cognitive Internet metaphors on the basis of analyzing Russian National Corpus indicated that space metaphors play an important role, and the sources of naval (water) theme are productive. Interpreting information search in the Internet as gliding over the immense ocean and sea surfaces (surfing) metaphors help to understand all possible situations accompanying information search process: from smooth motion and immersion into the water space to the related problems associated with information abundance, Internet dependence, information pollution, Internet piracy. Majority of metaphors represent Internet as troubled waters associated with unproven and unreliable information. The tremendous speed of Internet development transforms modern computer language from a special one to colloquial. Russian terms-metaphors navigation and surfing differ in their meaning from English and French.
The research findings can be used in the modern studies of conceptual metaphor.
The research can be further developed by analyzing metaphorical verbal and non-verbal interpretation of the efficiency of information search in the Internet.

Keywords:  conceptual metaphor, space metaphors, water space metaphors, heuristicity of metaphor,
source of metaphor, content analysis.

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For citation:  Borodulina, N. Yu., & Makeeva, M. N. (2018). Metaphor “internet =water space” in mass media (on the basis of content-analysis of the Russian National Corpus). Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 2, 13-20. (In Russ.).

Pages:  13-20

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