All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  E.A. Kozlova

Affiliation:  Vyatka State Agricultural Academy

Abstract:  presuppositions. Analyzing the works, which synthesize points of view on the concept of presuppositions, the author comes to the conclusion that the components of presuppositions largely coincide with the components of discourse in the definitions of various scholars. The definition of the pragmatic presuppositions as the most comparable to the notion of speech influence leads to assuming the non-requirement of the conditions of the common fund of knowledge for the sender and recipient to achieve the perlocutionary effect. Implementing pragmatic plan, the producer of the speech should know the concept sphere of the addressee, terms of communication, social, personal relations and other discursive components, but not mandatory is the condition of coincidence of cognitive spaces.
In this regard, the author supplies her understanding of the pragmatic presuppositions: not as
a general knowledge of all participants of communication, but as a cognitive fragment of the recipient, the focus on which in the context of specific discourse enables the producer to create an effective perlocutionary text. Reasoning about the composition of presuppositional fund findings results in the author’s separation of presuppositions: into the logical (to the rational, leopolitano thinking) and psychological (sensory, figurative). The author gives her point of view about overly popular modern tendency to consider the perlocutionary discourse as largely manipulative, focused on sensory perception (i.e. on psychological presuppositions). Therefore it is necessary to direct the scientific vector to the logical aspect. This statement is based on several studies on belief as the most effective way of speech influence, which is an appeal to logic and feelings of the recipient at the same time.
The author presents the sample analysis of the logic part of presuppositional fund using the example of political speech. The author concludes that it is necessary while studying presuppositions to correlate it with the theory of reasoning using the methods of psycholinguistics and the language cognitive science.

Keywords:  presupposition, discourse components, speech influence.

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For citation:  Kozlova, E. A. (2018). Presuppositions in the aspect of speech influence. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 2, 103-111.
(In Russ.).

Pages:  103-111

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