All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”

REFERENCE AND REPRESENTATION IN THE STRUCTURE OF CONCEPTUAL METAPHOR (with reference to a corpus-based analysis and translation)

REFERENCE AND REPRESENTATION IN THE STRUCTURE OF CONCEPTUAL METAPHOR (with reference to a corpus-based analysis and translation)

Author:  N.B. Gvishiani

Abstract:  The article considers the interaction of reference and representation in constructing conceptual metaphor as part of the speaker’s cognitive system. Reference is defined as the relationship of direct (literal) nomination between language units and objects of reality, while representation involves a structural pragmatic component based on metaphoric transposition.
Conceptual metaphor is studied as an essential element of the speaker’s cognitive knowledge, which is responsible for conveying new conceptions in perceiving the world. For a conceptual metaphor to preserve its inner structure (representation), it is important that the constituent language forms did not shed their referential meanings completely. When searching for an optimal cross-linguistic equivalent in translation, the conceptual-cognitive systems of the compared languages should be considered to select the variant that conveys the author’s pragmatic intention to the best advantage.
The author argues that a computer-corpus analysis is a valuable complement to cognitive studies of conceptual metaphor. It has been described as “a bottom-up approach” proceeding from language form to the identification of meaning and function. Corpora data and the technique of collocates analysis enable the researcher to reveal the functional-contextual characteristics of conceptual metaphor as well as the elements of the semantic frame which can be regarded as “markers” of metaphorisation.

Keywords:  conceptual metaphor, metaphoric representation, the pragmatic component, conventional metaphor,
“a bottom-up approach”, contact / distant collocates, semantic frame, markers of metaphorisation.

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For citation:  : Gvishiani, N. B. (2018). Reference and representation in the structure of conceptual metaphor (with reference to a corpus-based analysis and translation). Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 3, 5-15. (In Russ.).

Pages:  5-15

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