All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  A.S. Shcherbak¹, Du Chunyang², He YuDan¹

Affiliation:  ¹ Tianjin Foreign Studies University, ² Hainan University

Abstract:  The article proves reasonability of studying urbanonyms within the cognitive approach; it analyzes the urbanonymic categorization logic, which lets form a holistic view of the urbanonymic worldview uniqueness. In accordance with this approach, the specificity of the urbanonymic category as a component of the toponymic category is revealed.

The authors draw attention to the fact that the appellate unit accompanying the urbanonym, present or omitted (in oral communication), forms an undivided (Gestalt) visual-schematic representation of the addressed linear urban object, as a result of which the mental image is focused on a particular level. Characteristic semantics of urbanonyms is considered indicating that proper names are not the lexical and grammatical category of nouns, but a special part of speech with indicative value: сharacteristic semantics of urbanonyms is reflected in the congruence of the nouns gender, urban objects, and determines the format of the onomastic knowledge.

As exemplified in Tambov urbanonyms, in the urbanonyms categorisation system special emphasis is put on the subordinate level, which represented urbanonymic view of the historical past of the city; at this level, there are microurbanonyms (unofficial linear and informal names of city objects) reflecting the local specificity of city objects names.

The materials of the study can contribute to further developing the categorization theory of different proper names.

Keywords:  Key words: cognitive onomastics, levels of categorization, urbanonyms, microurbanonyms, categorical value.

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Acknowledgments:  The research is financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research in 2017, project No. 15-04-00379а.

For citation:  Shcherbak, A. S., Chunyang, Du, & YuDan, He. (2018). Urbanonym units study within the cognitive approach // Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 4, 88-95. (In Russ.).

Pages:  88-95

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