All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  E.G. Loginova

Affiliation:  Ryazan State University named for S. Yesenin

Abstract:  The paper investigates semiotic resonance as the correlations of signs belonging to the same or different semiotic systems. Using the diagraphic method offered by J. du Bois, the author of the article tries to reveal the cognitive mechanisms of semiotic resonance in monomodal communicative contexts exemplified by the Russian drama (L. Andreev, A. Chekhov).

The research shows that meaning construing in dramatic discourse depends largely on semiotic resonance and its cognitive mechanisms, namely similarity and dissimilarity brought about by repetition and parallelisms at different levels of discourse. The examples analyzed demonstrate that cognitive mechanisms manifest themselves in different ways: similarity or dissimilarity in form and meaning; similarity in form / dissimilarity in meaning and similarity in meaning / dissimilarity in form.

All the manifestations of cognitive mechanisms account for amplifying the meaning and as such for developing the dramatic discourse.

The approach used in the paper may be applied for further investigating the integrational and complementary nature of dramatic communication and studying the code metamorphoses taking place during the transition of monomodal discourse (a play) to its polymodal representation (a theatrical performance).

Keywords:  semiotic resonance, cognitive mechanism, similarity, dissimilarity, analogy, contrast, dramatic discourse.

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Spisok citiruemyh proizvedenij

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For citation:  Loginova, E. G. (2018). Cognitive mechanisms of semiotic resonance in plays // Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 4, 78-87. (In Russ.).

Pages:  78-87

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