Author: O.I. Kolesnikova, E.V. Voronova
Affiliation: Vyatka State University
The article reveals foundations for editing a mediatext. The purpose of the article is to prove the cognitive-pragmatic approach to editorial evaluation of the text. The authors propose to find dominant means which influence the reader and editorial evaluation on a cognitive-pragmatic basis, that is, to discover ways in which the author realizes the pragmatic attitude toward the perlocutive effect.
The editorial evaluation of verbal means of media text is based on the lingua-cognitive and aesthetic aspects. The presence or the absence of clear semantic connections between the fact of word-marking the cognitive unit and the concept as a fragment of the author’s concept sphere refer to the lingua-cognitive bases of the editorial evaluation. From the position of the addressee, this feature is found in determining the logical-semantic correspondences / inconsistencies of the author’s task and the linguistic way of its implementation. In case of inconsistency, the editorial analysis makes it possible to establish the degree of mismatch between the speech form and the mental picture at the level of the verbal representation of the event as a fragment of the world view.
The results obtained contribute to the development of editing as applied to the field of linguistic knowledge.
Keywords: news mediatext, mediastyle, createma, editorial evaluation, cognitive-pragmatic approach.
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For citation: Kolesnikova, O. I., & Voronova, E. V. (2019). Cognitive-pragmatic basis for editing mediatext // Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 1, 75-81. (In Russ.).
Pages: 75-81