All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  E.V. Plisov

Affiliation:  Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University

Abstract:  The article analyzes special aspects of the structure of the concept field in the modern German Catholic sermon. The aim of the study is to provide a description of the concept based on the analysis of the modern German Catholic homiletic texts – sermons and pastoral letters; as well as to investigate the confessional specificity of the concept organization of the sermon and the special features of the discursive activation of individual lexemes and lexical-semantic groups.
The analysis is of a synchronic type, it investigates German sermons and pastoral letters of 2000–2017. For the analysis, the study pre-selected 50 texts that were published on parishes’, episcopacies’ and pontifical conferences’ webpages. The corpus contains 24 Christmas and 26 Easter sermons and pastoral letters. The total amount is 49106 words.
The formation of the concept field occurs based on statistical and cognitive-semantic research methods, including the lexical frequency analysis and the thematic modelling. These methods allow for establishing the nuclear and peripheral zones and for singling out semantic domi-nants.
The application of thematic modelling results in defining the tendencies in the development of Catholic homiletic discourse, including discursive markedness of the sphere of Christian theology and the sphere of Christian anthropology, as well as discursive non-markedness of the sphere of ecclesiology. The sphere of the theological takes the foreground: there occurs the accentuation of Christological topics, the number and frequency of which shape the axiological matrix of the Catholic homiletic discourse. The study shows the importance of taking the reciprocity of the anth-ro-centric and the teo-centric factor into consideration in analysing the processes of conceptualization in the language.
The results of the current study can be used in comparative studying special features of conceptualizing religious world view by the representatives of different confessioletcs (Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, etc.) in other genres and types of texts, including liturgic texts. Another perspective line of research expands into comparing the means and methods of conceptualization of the same religious meanings.

Keywords:  Catholic discourse, sermon, conceptual field, semantic micro-field, cognitive-semantic modeling,
lexical frequency, contextual analysis, discursive specificity.

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For citation:  Plisov, E. V. (2019). Conceptual field of modern German Catholic sermon // Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 1, 131-140. (In Russ.).

Pages:  131-140

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