All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  L.M. Alekseeva, S.L. Mishlanova

Affiliation:  Perm State University

Abstract:  The article is devoted to the research of cognitive issues of translation studies with a special reference to a new category of knowledge transfer, viewed within the frames of its modern development. We attempt to substantiate the concept of knowledge transfer from a theoretical and methodological perspective.
The theoretical substantiation is based on the characteristics of modern scientific paradigm, correlated with post-neoclassicist knowledge, which obtains the features of non-linear net structures. Following this, we claim that the concept of knowledge transfer may be viewed as a mechanism of net-structures formation and as an object of translation activities. From the methodological perspective, we observe stages of knowledge transfer development and the corresponding translation models with regard to crowd-sourcing. We have distinguished between the characteristics of Translation Studies and crowd-sourcing, the main distinction of which is to be found in the social nature.
We come to the conclusion that knowledge transfer is now a key question in Translation Studies, since it is altering the nature of the translator’s cognitive activity, and professional skills. It is concluded that the solution of knowledge transfer issues is of extreme importance in the training of translators, since translation competences involved are essential at the professional level.

Keywords:  translation, knowledge transfer, net structures, translation model, crowd-sourcing, trowd-sourcing,
translation competence.

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For citation:  Alekseeva, L. M., & Mishlanova, S. L. (2019). Knowledge transfer in translation as a challenge of modern net society // Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 1, 41-53. (In Russ.).

Pages:  41-53

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