All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  E.N. Afanaseva

Affiliation:  Mirny Polytechnic Institute (branch) of North-Eastern Federal University

Abstract:  The article is devoted to studying the evolution of the archetypal concept GOD and its verbalization in the Yakut language; we focus on the transformation process of the early pre-Christian ideas about God after the adoption of Orthodox Christianity.
The analysis of meaning and functioning of the word taŋara «god» indicates the change of se-mantic structure and the intensification of word-forming and phrasal potential. The etymology and the epic text represent the sky as deity of pre-Christian period. After the adoption of Christianity, God takes over an iconic image, and the content of the concept is filled with the ideas of the Or-thodox creed.
With all the changes in the image and content the archetypal concept GOD retaining its basic structure and idea of the heaven as the abode of gods – the creators of destinies and saviors – formally remains unchanged. Christianity was accepted by the Yakuts through the prism of early beliefs and the basic idea of rescue was integral.
The diachronic view shows how historical facts and ideology influence language, to prove it true linguistic analysis should be accompanied by explanation of the reasons for the changes. The results of this work can be used in studying the mentality of Yakut people.

Keywords:  archetype, archetypal concept, word taŋara, the concept GOD, the lexical meaning, meaning change

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For citation:  Afanaseva, E. N. (2019). The archetypal concept GOD and its ideological transformation according to the Yakut language // Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 1, 122-130. (In Russ.).

Pages:  122-130

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