All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  V.A. Beresneva

Affiliation:  Vyatka State University

Abstract:  The article deals with the issue of interpretation diversity of the term “syncretism” in linguistics and cultural studies. The author aims at explaining the existence of different interpretations of the term based on the peculiarities of cognitive process of human beings.
The author started considering different interpretations of the term “syncretism” at the stage of the logical and historical analysis of the syncretism concept. However, at this stage it was difficult to understand whether the interpretation of the term was random or somewhat regular. Only based on philosophical and psychological achievements the understanding of linguistic syncretism considering the language as distinctive embodiment of existence brings us to certain conclusions about the causes of this situation. The paper offers the results of the author’s considerations.
According to the premise that the language is a form of spiritual (ideal) materialization, the au-thor sees the syncretism issue in the language as directly connected to human consciousness and thinking. Spirit as one of the key existence spheres has inherent unity. The author proposes that syncretism in language originates from ontological unity. Considering the language as diversified unity is the basis for the author’s interpretation of language syncretism, named linguistic syncretism.
Having studied syncretism as a linguistic phenomenon, taking into account general categories and principles of existence, the author has found out that ambiguous semantic state of the term «syncretism» is not random. It is due to regular activity of associative and apperceptive thinking.
The research contributes to the development of the syncretism theory. In the light of the theory of scientific paradigms

Keywords:  linguistic syncretism, ambiguity of the term, associative and apperceptive thinking, unity.

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For citation:  Beresneva, V.A. (2019). Gnoseological bases for ambiguity of the term «syncretism» // Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 2, 49-54. (In Russ.).

Pages:  49-54

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