All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  I.V. Zykova, O.V. Sokolova

Affiliation:  Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract:  The present paper sets out to explore the avant-garde manifestoes of the 1910th – the beginning of the 1920s in order to reconstruct the Russian cubo-futurists’ approach to the process of idiom-formation understood in a broad sense as a process of creating word-combinations with transferred meaning and/or violating the adopted combinability patterns. The manifestos under consideration have been selected according to the thematic criterion (they all are devoted to the issues of linguistic creativity in the literary or artistic activity) and are regarded as the most representative material from the point of view of explicating linguistic theories developed in the Russian cubo-futurism. The authors proceed from the assumption that cubo-futurists’ language experiments were aimed at creating new language items whose properties make it possible to refer them to idioms.
To test this assumption, the method of frame semantics has been applied. The conducted study resulted in the establishment of the following main categorical characteristics of such special class of id-ioms as the avant-garde idioms proper: figurativeness, expressiveness, (subjectively) felt originality, opacity, illogicality, orientation to the de-automatization of perception, and capacity to be expressed both in verbal and non-verbal forms. In the course of the research, the notions of “attitude towards the idiom-formation”, “idiomatics of avant-garde”, and “avant-garde idiom proper” have been elaborated. The analysis of the given notions takes into account the historical dynamics of idiomatics (or phraseolo-gy) as a linguistic discipline and of the avant-garde manifesto as a special genre of literature.
In general, the principles of language material analysis presented in the paper can be regarded as one of the stages in the development of the method of identifying avant-garde idiomatics. The data obtained in the study may be applicable in the field of lexicography.

Keywords:  attitude to the idiom-formation, idiom, idiomatics, manifesto, avant-garde, cubo-futurism, language experiment.

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Acknowledgments:  The research is financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), project No. 18-012-00134 and is carried out at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

For citation:  Zykova, I. V., & Sokolova, O. V. (2019). Language experiment as the attitude to the process of idiom-formation in cubo-futurists’ manifestos: idiomatics of the avant-garde // Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 2, 7-20. (In Russ.).

Pages:  7-20

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