All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  L.A. Furs

Affiliation:  Derzhavin Tambov State University

Abstract:  A metacognitive perspective in language studies comes via the works of neurolinguists, artificial intellect constructors and cognitive psychologists.
The article considers differences between static and dynamic models of knowledge by defining metamemory, cognitive monitoring and cognitive control as key concepts of metacognitive processes. Their specific characteristics are revealed in the process of complimentary knowledge construing. Cog-nitive control co-exists with a working memory and is activated in all processes of knowledge construing. Its main functions are: 1) communicative target; 2) intentionality; 3) focused attention. Cognitive monitoring is activated in processes of complex knowledge construing when the mind needs specific strategies to regulate memory resources. As a result, the new integrated knowledge is construed and it is dynamic by nature.
Cognitive monitoring functions are: 1) communicative target; 2) interactivity; 3) dynamism. Both cognitive monitoring and cognitive control are the aspects of the procedural function of metamemory.

Keywords:  metacognition, metamemory, cognitive monitoring, cognitive control.

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For citation:  Furs, L. A. (2019). Metamemory, cognitive monitoring and cognitive control // Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 2, 21-25. (In Russ.).

Pages:  21-25

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